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Mary L. Collins, OSB - d. May 2, 2024

05/10/2024 5:33 AM | Anonymous

The CTSA remembers and prayers for member Mary L. Collins, OSB who died on May 2, 2024.

May Mary's soul and the souls
of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace
. Amen.

Read Sr. Mary Collin's Obituary


  • 05/10/2024 12:43 PM | Susan Ross
    I did not know Mary personally, but her work had a big influence on me. Her essay on the “flip side” of women’s spirituality was groundbreaking. Her death is a loss to the society and to scholarship on liturgy.
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  • 05/10/2024 1:28 PM | Colleen Mallon
    I am so grateful for the scholarship for Mary Collins. I don't think I have ever missed sharing this quote from Contemplative Participation with a single on of my ecclesiology classes. Perhaps because her words redound back to me for reflection: “The amnesiac is not the person who has misplaced her glasses one time too many. She is the person who has forgotten who she is. She has lost conscious awareness of the basic relationships that give her her identity….The biblical and liturgical use of the word “anamnesis” rises from a perception that there is a disorder analogous to clinical amnesia that plagues the human community. To be human is to be threatened with spiritual amnesia. At the level of our spiritual identity we do not remember for long who we are.” Thank you, Mary.
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  • 05/10/2024 2:09 PM | Mary E Hunt
    Mary Collins was part of the early work of the Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER). She was a strong supporter of our efforts to empower women as spiritual agents who do justice. She knew that spirituality, especially ritual, was a key component. We are grateful for her wisdom shared so generously. May she continue to inspire us.
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  • 05/12/2024 8:12 AM | Edmund Kee-Fook Chia
    I was admitted to CUA by Mary Collins more than three decades ago. She also awarded me a Teaching Assistantship, for which I am eternally grateful. It was a treat for us 10 TAs sitting in at lectures by Mary, Kate Dooley, Joe Komonchak and Steve Happel who were the professors of the REL101 course that we were TA for. Mary was the dept chair at that time and arranged for the TAs to meet at the professors' home for dinner periodically. And, yes, they cooked for us! Imagine Komonchak in the kitchen when we arrived at his home! I met Mary again when she came to CTU years later and the first thing she said was "I've been following your movements, Edmund, and I knew you came to CTU." I continue to treasure the rich experience I had at CUA, and value all that I learned from Mary and her wonderful colleagues. God bless her beautiful soul.
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  • 05/16/2024 9:24 PM | Edward T Ulrich
    Like Edmund, I have fantastic memories of my days at Catholic University, in the Department of Religion and Religious Education. Mary Collins was an important part of my experiences there. Although I did not have her as a professor, as a department chair she was nurturing and supportive towards me and my pursuits. Also, it was wonderful to work as a TA for her, Stephen Happel, and Joseph Komonchak in the morning for Religion 200, and then in the afternoon to have graduate classes with other professors in the department. The morning and afternoon sessions reinforced each other. Farewell Sr. Collins!
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