Becoming a Member Applications for membership are reviewed by the Committee on Admissions in May. Candidates for membership, upon recommendation of the Committee, are admitted to the Society by the vote of the active members present at the annual business meeting held at the annual convention in June. The annual dues for new members is due payable immediately upon enrollment (June) and then due on the 1st of January of each year. The membership is presumed to be continuous. Active membership is open to those who possess the doctoral degree in theological or related studies, and who are or have been actively engaged in teaching and research. In exceptional cases the Committee on Admissions may recommend for active membership those whose education and scholarly achievements could be considered as meeting the standards customarily demanded for the doctorate. Access Active Membership Application Form Associate membership is open to those who have completed at least the course requirements for a doctoral degree in theology or a related field of study. Access Associate Membership Application Form Reinstatement Process for
The CTSA acknowledges the limitations associated with self-identification categories (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, geographical location, etc.) as we collect data about our membership. The Society remains committed to discerning language that is inclusive and affirming of how our members understand personal identities. |
Navigating as a New Member
New Members - click here to access the "Navigating as a New Member" website page. Annual Dues Payments
Annual Dues Schedule
Questions regarding membership may be directed to: Hosffman Ospino | Hosffman Ospino |