The Dolores L. Christie |
The Catholic Theological Society of America has established a scholarship program to help defray the costs of attending the CTSA annual convention. The purposes of the Dolores L. Christie scholarship are 1) to recruit new members to the CTSA, particularly graduate students in theology or religious studies, and 2) to facilitate attendance for current CTSA members who, because of financial circumstances, would not otherwise be able to attend the convention. Individuals may apply for the scholarship which reimburses up to $1,250 of expenses associated with attending the convention. Covered expenses include registration, lodging at the convention hotel, transportation, and meals (including the required John Courtney Murray banquet). Clarification: the award reimburses up to $1,250 of a recipient’s convention expenses. If expenses total less than $1,250, no additional monies will be given.
Priority will be given to those who apply by October 1 and will appear on the program; other applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, pending availability of funding.