Navigating as a New Member Welcome to the CTSA! On behalf of the membership, the Board of Directors warmly welcomes you to the Society. This website page is designed to inform you of the opportunities to engage and immerse yourself in the Society. If you have any questions about these opportunities, your membership, or a general question, do not hesitate to reach out to Mary Jane Ponyik, the CTSA's Executive Director. Items on this page highlighted in bold blue ink The CTSA is the principal association of Catholic theologians in North America. The purpose of the Society is to promote theological research in the Roman Catholic tradition that is attentive to contemporary problems faced by the Church and the world. In June, the CTSA meets at its annual convention where its members engage each other in dialogue by presenting their ongoing research. Much of this research is published in the Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America. At the convention the CTSA holds its Business Meeting, where the attending members elect a future President of the Society and new representatives to the Board of Directors. Also, at each convention, the Society honors one of its members for a lifetime of distinguished theological achievement through the conferral of the John Courtney Murray Award, named for one of its early Board members who was a major theologian in the American Catholic Church. In addition to the John Courtney Murray Award, the CTSA grants the Catherine Mowry LaCugna Award to new scholars for the best academic essay in the field of theology within the Roman Catholic tradition. At the convention, the Women's Consultation in Constructive Theology awards the Ann O’Hara Graff Award to honor a woman member of the CTSA whose accomplishments include the various types of woman-defined scholarship, and liberating action on behalf of women in the church and/or the broader community. The CTSA has established (20) Dolores L. Christie scholarships and the CTSA Tutti Fund to help defray the costs for members to attend the annual convention. Annual Dues are due payable on the 1st of January each year and are not pro-rated. Membership is presumed to be continuous. For new members, voted into the Society in June, the first dues payment is assessed using tiered payment schedule based upon annual income and pro-rated (50%). This payment is due payable upon becoming enrolled (June); the Executive Director will send an e-invoice mid-June to new members.
2024 Annual Dues Schedule
New Member Welcome Video | Convention New Member Initiatives New/Newer Member Breakfast is sponsored by the CTSA to engage new and junior members in dialogue with senior members. The theme of the breakfast rotates in a three year cycle: Year 1: "Navigating as New Members"; Year 2: "How to Publish"; Year 3: "Transitioning into Careers in Theology". Register to participate in the event via the convention registration form, which is posted online mid-January on the CTSA convention website page. The President's Reception for New or Newer Members is hosted on Friday evening at the convention and provides the opportunity for new / newer members, i.e. became a new member in June at the convention or became new members in last year, to meet the CTSA Board, select members of the CTSA, and other new members. Register to participate in the event via the convention registration form, which is posted online mid-January on the CTSA convention website page. Share the Wisdom Initiative pairs an experienced member with a newer member to enrich the convention experience and has no formal purpose beyond getting to know one another. Members with 10 years + experience meet with the new/newer member via Zoom prior to the convention, attend the opening plenary with the new/newer member, volunteer to have breakfast or lunch with a newer member sometime during the convention (Dutch treat), and follow up with the new/newer member within two weeks after the convention and answer any questions they may have about being a member of the Society. Register to participate in the initiative via the Share the Wisdom Initiative form, which is posted online mid-January on the CTSA convention website page. Resources Career Opportunities that are of interest to the membership are posted on the website. The Committee for Underrepresented Ethnic and Racial Groups (CUERG) of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) is dedicated to helping Catholic theological students and scholars from underrepresented racial and ethnic communities in their education, service, teaching, ministry, and research and to serve as a resource to members and board of the CTSA in becoming more attentive to the global and diverse nature of the church in its leadership and scholarship.
Links of Interest are posted on this website page, e.g. ACHTUS. The Newsfeed is a resource for members to access or post theological events / opportunities. Presidential Letters are emailed to the membership in late September/early October and in January. These letters inform the membership on the work of the Board of Directors and the Society. CTSA Calendar
Questions regarding membership may be directed to:
| Hosffman Ospino |