The CTSA prays for and remembers longstanding member Joseph A. Bracken, S.J.

Eternal rest grant unto Joseph, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.
Fr. Bob Hurd, S.J., Xavier University, wrote to a CTSA member the following:
We just got word from our Jesuit infirmary near Milwaukee that our prime Jesuit theologian/philosopher/writer, Fr. Joe Bracken, died this morning. He was 94 years old.
Joe kept up his interest in Whitehead and “process philosophy” long after he retired from Xavier’s theology department and the Brueggeman Center and was a great inspiration for all of us somewhat younger Jesuits. He was also rector of the University Jesuit Community for many years and a great lover of racquetball and tennis.
You may also read about Fr. Bracken at the Jesuits Midwest website page, where he is quoted as saying "Being a Jesuit has been such a blessing in my life. It has allowed me to pursue an occupation that isn’t immediately profitable, but one which I believe has value through advancing knowledge as well as faith.”
Funeral is set for April 26 at the St. Camillus Jesuit Retirement Center in Milwaukee; burial of cremains at Mt. Olivet Cemetery.