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Remembering R. Dan Kendall, S.J. - Died May 26, 2020

05/26/2020 12:52 PM | Anonymous

Fr. Daniel R. Kendall, S.J. passed away at 2:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 26 at Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos. Please keep him and his fellow Jesuits in your prayers.

Dan's bio listed on USFCA's website:

Eternal rest grand unto Dan, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May His soul and the souls of the faithful departed
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.


  • 06/02/2020 10:56 AM | Dr. Kristin Colberg
    I am very sad to hear of Dan's death. I only got to know him in the last few years, but I found him to be a wonderful friend and colleague. I picture him as so full of life that it is surprising to hear of his passing. He will remain in my prayers.
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