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  • Agnes Cunningham, S.S.C.M. - d. January 22

Agnes Cunningham, S.S.C.M. - d. January 22

01/23/2025 10:49 AM | Anonymous

The CTSA remembers and prays for longstanding member Sr. Agnes Cunningham, S.S.C.M.  who died yesterday, Wednesday, January 22.

Agnes Cunningham was awarded the prestigious John Courtney Murray Award in 2001.  She served as the CTSA's President in 1977 - 1978; twice as a member of the CTSA Board of Directors (1969 - 1970 and 1978 - 1980); and as CTSA Secretary from 1970 - 1976.  

Eternal rest grant unto Agnes, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

The following work of Agnes Cunningham, S.S.C.M. are available via the CTSA Proceedings archives:

Cunningham, A. “The Ministry of Women in the Church” Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, vol. 24 (1969).

Cunningham, A. The Role of Woman in Church and Society. Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, vol. 28 (1973).

Kosnik, A., Modras, R., Schulte, J., Carroll, W., & Cunningham, A., Research Report: The CTSA Committee on the Study of Human Sexuality. Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, vol. 30 (1975).

Cunningham, A.. Presidential Address Theology for a Future Church: Science, Wisdom, Ministry. Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, vol. 33 (1978).

Cunningham, A., (Convener) Panel: Toward a Theology of Peace: Foundations of Christian Peace. Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, vol. 38 (1983).

Cunningham, A. (Convener) Modernity / Postmodernity: The State of the Question for Contemporary Catholic Theology. Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, vol. 46 (1991).

The following article was shared with the CTSA when Sr. Agnes Cunningham Professed for 80 years:

The CTSA offers its condolences to the Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary Community. 

Link to Obituary and Funeral Arrangements 


  • 01/23/2025 12:14 PM | Susan Rakoczy IHM
    I think she was the first woman member of the CTSA.
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  • 01/23/2025 4:32 PM | Leo D Lefebure
    Agnes was a wonderful teacher, mentor, and colleague at the University of St. Mary of the Lake. She was always sensitive and caring, making connections and fostering relationships. I owe her a great debt for introducing me to the heritage of the early church.
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