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Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens

08/29/2024 3:46 PM | Leo D Lefebure

ICCGS-CoNGO Conference on Global Action on

Peace, Sustainability, and Prosperity

On August 26-27, 2024, the Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens (ICCGC) and the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO) co-hosted an international interreligious conference on “Global Action on Peace, Sustainability, and Prosperity” at the Church Center of the United Nations in New York City. The goal of the conference was “to pursue peace, human security, dignity, and planetary sustainability” through fostering collaboration and solidarity among religious communities in diverse contexts around the world.

Won Buddhists organized the ICCGC, which held its first international conference online in 2020 on the theme of “The Future of Religion after COVID.”  Since that time, there have been online meetings in 2021 and 2022, as well as the first in-person meeting held in Seoul in August 2023, which featured the former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon as the keynote speaker.

This year the conference considered points of intersection between religious and spiritual leaders and issues of ecological concern, global governance, peacekeeping, global citizenship education, and multilateral collaboration.  This conference will help to prepare for the United Nations Summit of the Future, scheduled for September 20-23, 2024.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the organizers issued a public consensus declaration: “A Call to Global Community and Action for a Just Peaceable, Inclusive, and Sustainable World.”  This declaration calls for 1) Embracing Inclusivity and Respect for Diversity; 2) Advancing a Global Ethic of Peace and Justice’ 3) Protecting the Planet: Our Sacred Duty to Future Generations; 4) Empowering Future Generations Through Ethical Education and Civic Engagement; and 5) Strengthening Collaboration for Global Unity.

Members of the Catholic Theological Society of America and of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies Julius-Kei Kato and I, as well as other officers of SBCS, participated in planning and leading the meeting. 

The website of the conference contains details about the program, including the various speakers and many of the papers that were presented.

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