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Denise L. Carmody (d. 3-15-23)

03/15/2023 1:31 PM | Anonymous

The CTSA remembers and prays for long standing member Denise L. Carmody who died at home today, March 15.

Eternal rest grant unto Denise, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May Denise's soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen.

Denise Carmody was born in Baltimore, MD. She received an A.B. at the College of Notre Dame of Maryland (1958), and an M.A. at Boston College (1966). She had loved philosophy as an undergrad; in particular, questions about epistemology (how people know) led to an abiding interest in comparative religious studies. She pursued that interest by earning a Ph.D. in the philosophy of religion from Boston College in 1970. Denise has published over sixty books, including the 7th edition to Ways to the Center. Her research interests are Roman Catholicism and world religions. She retired in June, 2012.  ( Picture and above statement accessed on 3/15/23 <<Religious Studies, Santa Clara University,>>.)

CTSA Proceedings Contribution 

Denise L. Carmody, 
The Role of Women in Theology: Summary of the Discussion, CTSA 38th Annual Convention Proceedings, Minutes of the Meeting: 74-76.


  • 03/16/2023 9:54 AM | Francis X Clooney, SJ
    I remember Denise and John most fondly and with gratitude, for their leadership in opening up the space for the study of world religions in Catholic theology, in our teaching and writing. Early in my years in the Society Denise was a steady supporter of my work, convinced as she was that "interfaith" was an essential part of the future of Catholic theology. We all will miss this wise, so very productive, kind and spiritual person, who was always a true blessing for the CTSA. May she and John, now together again, be blessed with true peace and joy.
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  • 03/16/2023 11:57 AM | Annie Selak
    I knew Denise as Provost at Santa Clara University when I was an undergraduate student. As a student leader, I was always so nervous for my meetings with her because she would push me to be precise and not just talk in general themes. I remember as a senior, a professor in Religious Studies clued me in to Provost Carmody's scholarship and her work in feminist theology. She and I kept in touch throughout the years, and I thought of her as one of my first introductions to academic theology.
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  • 03/16/2023 12:41 PM | Karen Peterson-lyer
    Not sure where to start...Denise's office was next to mine for years in the RS department here, and I treasure every interaction I had with her. Pacing the halls while immersed in a book, praying through health struggles and moments of relief, sharing uproariously funny (and often spontaneous) moments of laughter, and supporting me intellectually and spiritually at key points...these are just a few of the many, many graces Denise brought to my life and career. I would not be where I am without her influence. What a giant of a person, and what a grace to have known her. Rest in peace, Denise...I will miss you.
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