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As 2023 Dawns

12/31/2022 9:00 AM | Francis X Clooney, SJ

Good morning, everyone. I am more than half way through my term as CTSA President, but still not sure what is expected of me beyond my specific duties. But let me take on the role here of official greeter - to wish you all a Happy New Year, and blessings for 2023.

Let us reflect with gratitude mixed with sadness on the many good things of this past year, and also on the horrific news items of 2022. Let us be thankful for all the ways we have tried, in our Society, to think and pray with the Church, for the Church, in today's vast world of many faiths and none. And let us realize how much more we have to do, as best we can.

I would be remiss not to mention the death today of Benedict XVI, retired pope, retired bishop of Rome. We all will have many memories of him, but for now let us simply pray that this good and holy man may now rest in the Lord's peace. See also my personal blog about him, here.

Peace, Frank


  • 01/03/2023 9:39 AM | Christine Firer Hinze
    Thank you, Frank, for this greeting in the new year, and for your leadership. And thank you for your thoughtful reflection on the passing of Benedict XVI. Happy and blessed New Year to all!
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