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CTSA Committees for 2022-23

08/17/2022 5:55 PM | Francis X Clooney, SJ

Good afternoon, everyone. I hope the summer has been a good one for you, just the mix of rest and work that you had hoped for. I am writing now, as summer wanes, to thank in public all our continuing and new committee members, who have generously agreed to serve on the range of our important committees. You can find the list here. Let us all wish our colleagues well in the work they will be doing in the months to come. You can be in touch with committee members if you have questions or ideas pertinent to their work, or just email me and I can pass along relevant ideas and questions as needed. And if you have a particular interest in being on this or that committee in the future (new appointments are made in June-July, as some members rotate off), you can also let me or President-Elect Kristin Heyer, or Executive Director Mary Jane Ponyik know. Peace, Frank Clooney, SJ (President, 2022-23)

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