Catholic Theological
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  • 07/18/2023 1:06 PM | Annie Selak

    The Georgetown University Women's Center is happy to share a recording of "Faith, Feminism, and Being Unfinished: The Question of Women's Ordination." This video features a panel of feminist theologians, ministers, thought leaders, and students discussing women's ministry in the Roman Catholic Church. CTSA members Teresa Delgado, Mary E. Hunt, and Annie Selak participated. The video and accompanying news articles can be found on the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs's website. We encourage CTSA members to use this as a teaching tool in the classroom and parish.

    In a sequel to the first "Faith, Feminism, and Being Unfinished" event in 2018, the Georgetown University community gathered on DC Emancipation Day to explore the writings of moral theologian and CTSA member Anne E. Patrick, SNJM (1941-2016). A panel of theologians and thought-leaders discussed her 1975 essay “A Conservative Case for the Ordination of Women.” The conversation was in part a response to the October 2022 release of the Vatican synod document “Enlarge the Space of Your Tent,” which reflects a global call for inclusivity, including expanded roles for women in the church.

  • 07/07/2023 6:34 AM | Anonymous

    Terry Tilley has recently published The Karamazov Case: Dostoevsky's Argument for His Vision, Explorations at the Crossroads of Theology & Aesthetics, Volume I (London and New York: T. + T. Clark, 2023). Caryl Emerson, emerita from Princeton (translator of Mikhail Bakhtin, Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics) endorsed the book, writing, “It takes courage, delicacy, and extremely careful habits of reading to determine what Dostoevsky desired his readers to believe. Terrence Tilley brings those qualities to this sophisticated discussion of The Brothers Karamazov as a polyphonic faith text, neither dogmatic nor naïve but reasonable, communal and (as its author envisioned) transfigurative. For a limited "free" preview including the introduction that sketches the argument,  see

    Beyond Bakhtin, Terry utilizes Stanley Fish and John Searle as hermeneutical guides for breaking a long-standing stalemate about the argument (or lack thereof) in the book, an impasse rooted in a modernist, essentialist opposition of faith and reason; in contrast, he has identified a previously unseen argument with Kant and identify at least six different mentalités or forms of life described in the text.

  • 06/29/2023 1:43 PM | Anonymous


    for a topical issue of Open Theology


    "Open Theology” ( invites submissions for the topical issue "Doubting Paul: The Legacy of the Dutch Radical School" edited by Wolfgang Grünstäudl and Jacco Pekelder (University of Münster, Germany).


    This topical issue seeks to open a new perspective on one of the most controversial themes of New Testament Studies in Modern Europe: The rise and decline of the so-called “Dutch Radical School” (ca. 1850–1950). Unlike the mainstream of New Testament studies from the middle of the 19th century onwards, which recognized at least four (more often: seven) Epistles of the Apostle Paul as authentic, a small group of Dutch scholars (stemming from different cities, religious backgrounds and academic disciplines) claimed that there is no such thing as an authentic writing of Paul.

    We are especially interested in the biographical, historical, political, social and religious background of these “radical” scholars, in their connections and conflicts with each other and in their national and international linkages and reception. In our view, this group consists of members with highly different profiles and we even wonder if it is justified and helpful to call it a “school”. Moreover, we are eager to learn which aspects of these scholars’ work might be of ongoing relevance for present historical and/or theological discussions. 

    We invite researchers to submit papers that contribute to the reflection about the history and legacy of the Dutch Radical School, especially in regard of its contribution to the intellectual history of the Netherlands as well as its place in the history of scholarship on Paul and his letters. Please note that the thematical issue is mainly interested in the treatment of Paul and his letters by the Dutch Radical School and not so much in questions surrounding the historicity of Jesus, although it will not be possible to clearly separate these two issues from one another in each and every case. Especially welcomed are papers that


    • study the biographical, historical, political, social and religious background of scholars associated with the Dutch Radical School (e.g., A. Pierson, A. D. Loman, W. C. van Manen, G. A. van den Bergh van Eysinga),
    • analyze connections and conflicts between those scholars (Is it helpful to speak of a “school”?),
    • utilize fresh approaches not yet used to analyze this topic (e.g., network analysis, cultural anthropology, sociology of knowledge, history from below),
    • identify and describe international relationships of Dutch Radicals inside and outside of Europe,
    • demonstrate the place of the Dutch Radical School within the broader context of the intellectual and religious history of the Netherlands, and
    • evaluate critically the historical, literary and exegetical arguments put forward by the Dutch Radical School in light of most recent research on Paul and Early Christianity.


    Because "Open Theology" is published under an Open Access model, as a rule, publication costs should be covered by Article Publishing Charges (APC), paid by authors, their affiliated institutions, funders or sponsors. Authors without access to publishing funds are encouraged to discuss potential discounts or waivers with Managing Editor of the journal Katarzyna Tempczyk ( before submitting their manuscripts. 


     Submissions will be collected until January 31, 2024, via the on-line submission system at  

    Choose as article type: Doubting Paul


    Before submission the authors should carefully read the Instruction for Authors, available at:  

    All contributions will undergo critical peer-review before being accepted for publication.  


    Further questions about content for this thematic issue can be addressed to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Grünstäudl ( and Prof. Dr. Jacco Pekelder ( Financial questions should be directed to journal Managing Editor Katarzyna Tempczyk at In case of technical problems with submission please write to  

  • 06/29/2023 1:04 PM | Anonymous

    Mother Teresa Institute Academic Colloquim
    September 7-9 at The Catholic University of America

    The Mother Teresa Institute is an outgrowth of the work and activities of the Mother Teresa Center, a non-profit organization established and directed by the religious family founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the Missionaries of Charity. The mission of the MTI is to preserve, protect, promote, and develop the authentic legacy of Saint Teresa of Calcutta to the Church and to the world by providing resources to students, scholars and researchers who are interested in Mother Teresa, her life, charism and message.

    As we advance the establishment of the MTI, we are seeking to engage with scholars who can help direct the future of Mother Teresa studies, particularly graduate students. We are delighted to invite applications from qualified candidates to share their perspective and insights studies at the MTI Colloquium on September 8, 2023, held at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.

    A maximum travel reimbursement of $200 will be offered to accepted students traveling a minimum of 50 miles from their institution.

    To be considered, please submit your (1) completed application, (2) current curriculum vitae, and (3) one academic letter of reference to

    The deadline for submission is August 1, 2023.


  • 06/15/2023 6:15 PM | Anonymous

    Aquinas After 750 Years: Still the Common Doctor?
    September 14 - 16, 2023
    Dominican House of Studies / Washington, D.C.

    Registration: $65 (limited housing is available at an additional cost)

    This conference is hosted by the Thomistic Institute, an academic research institute of the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception at the Dominican House of Studies. Planned in commemoration of the 750th anniversary of Aquinas’s death, this three-day international conference will consider whether – and to what extent – Thomas Aquinas might still be considered the Common Doctor in contemporary theological and philosophical engagements.

    The conference will feature 6 plenary speakers (see below) and a series of scholarly panels.

    For more information and to register for the conference, please visit

    Questions? Email or call (202) 495-3871.

    Plenary Speakers:

    Prof. Therese Cory (University of Notre Dame)

    Fr. Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P. (Angelicum)

    Prof. Joseph Wawrykow (University of Notre Dame)

    Prof. Matthew Levering (University of St. Mary of the Lake)

    Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P. (Angelicum)

    Prof. Russell Hittinger (Catholic University of America)

  • 06/14/2023 9:40 AM | Anonymous

    James T. Keane, America Magazine, published "Jesuit Roger Haight's lifetime of theological achievement" yesterday, June 13, 2023.  The link to the article is provided below.

  • 06/13/2023 11:50 PM | Ruben Habito

    Dear Friends and Colleagues,

    During our recent Annual Convention in Milwaukee last weekend, I was invited to listen to a talk given by Archbishop John Wester, of Santa Fe, to the contemplative practice community at Mountain Cloud Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Archbishop Wester spoke about the grave threat to our global community posed by our nuclear armament stockpiles, especially in the light of the heightening tensions between Russia, China, and the Western powers who are in possession of nuclear arms. He addressed me personally, as i had told him that i was attending our annual convention of Catholic theologians in Milwaukee, 400 strong, with open hearts and open minds, and he requested me to relay this message:

    "Please consider, as among your tasks in theological reflection and education, calling attention to the current situation of our global community under threat of a cataclysmic disaster that can wipe out our lives and our entire future, should a nuclear war were to ensue. Please take steps to alert our fellow global citizens to the urgency of our task of putting a stop to this foolhardy way of conducting ourselves."

        He reminds us that Pope Francis himself has taken this up as an urgent issue, warning of an "increasing risk of a nuclear conflagration," and condemning the very possession of nuclear weapons, calling on all of us to move toward a nuclear-free world.

         Archbishop Wester has issued a Pastoral Letter to this effect, which may be accessed through this link:

         With warmest wishes, and with untold gratitude to all for the many gifts received during our recent gathering in Milwaukee,



    (Ruben L.F. Habito, Perkins School of Theology, SMU, Dallas, Texas)



  • 06/13/2023 3:31 PM | Anonymous

    Today, Tuesday, June 13, Heidi Schlumpf's coverage of the CTSA's 2023 convention highlights the conferment of the John Courtney Murray Award to Roger Haight, Susan Bigelow Reynolds as the recipient of the 2023 Catherine Mowry LaCugna Award. And Cecilia González-Andrieu as the recipient of the 2023 Ann O'Hara Graff Award.  Heidi's articles are posted online at:


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