Catholic Theological
Society of America

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 All discourse on the CTSA Newsfeed, whether in postings or in comments posted by CTSA members, must abide by the standards of professional conduct and constructive criticism expressed in the "CTSA Statement on Professional Behavior" approved by the Board of Directors on June 7, 2018.  The CTSA  Board and Executive Director reserves the right to edit or delete any language proposed for posting or posted on the Newsfeed.  Spam, links to websites, petitions, and advertising will be removed.

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Oversight of the page is done by the Vice President and the Executive Director.  Please email them with any post related concerns.

  • 10/31/2022 1:33 PM | Anonymous

    The CTSA remembers longstanding member, colleague, mentor and dear friend of many Shawnee Daniels-Sykes, who died this morning.  

    Eternal rest grant unto Shawnee, O Lord,
    and let perpetual light shine upon her.
    May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
    through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

    Convention contributions include:

    ConvenerHuman Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery Interest Group, Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, 73 (2018). Served as Moderator in 2017, see Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America 72

    Convener, Black Catholic Theology Consultation: "The Sacramental Imagination--African Appropriation of Catholicism", Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, 67 (2012). Moderator, Black Catholic Theology Consultation, Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, 72 (2017); Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, 70 (2015) and "Black Catholic Theologians Across the Generations",  Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, 63 (2013) .  Co-convener and Presenter, Consultation on Black Catholic Theology,   Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, 69 (2014).

    Shawnee's Bio* 

    *Shawnee M. Daniels-Sykes, PhD", Women and The Catholic Social Tradition, University of San Francisco Blog Website Page.

  • 10/27/2022 9:17 AM | Anonymous

    The CTSA prays for Rev. Patrick Boyle, S.J. who died recently.  

    Patrick was affiliated with the University of St. Mary of the Lake and earned his degree in 1983 in Moral Theology at Marquette University.  Below is a beautiful tribute to Patrick, who served in Vietnam, from the "We Were the Soldiers" website page posted in November of 2021.

    May Patrick rest in peace. 

    Tribute to Patrick Boyle

  • 10/26/2022 10:26 AM | Anonymous

    CTSA Member Meghan Clark invites you to attend:

    Register Here

    For the past year, five CTSA members (Stan Chu Ilo, Brad Hinze, Jennifer Owens-Jofre, Darren Dias, and myself) have been part of a wider team of six regional working groups of theologians working on a project called "Doing Theology from the Existential Peripheries" The, "Doing Theology from the Existential Peripheries is a research project of the Migrants and Refugees Section (M&R) of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Holy See. It aims at deepening the teaching of Pope Francis and promoting a renewal of theology. "   On Oct 12, 2022, this project and a website of resources was formally presented publicly at a Seminar in Rome (now available on youtube).

    On the Dicastery's website you can find the full North American Report: 

    Under "Publications" are all the Regional Working Group Reports:

    And Under "Food For Thought" are more public facing videos and guidebooks being uploaded: 

    While pastoral theologians and many others, including some of us on the working group, have engaged in interviews/fieldwork inspired theology before, this project is unique in both its global scope as well as its ecclesial nature - It is a project of and for the Migrants and Refugee Section of the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development - not one designed or driven by any individual academic theologian's research or such.

    We look forward to presenting more on this project at the 2023 CTSA, however, wanted to share the links and information on the Dicastery website with our fellow CTSA members :-)

    Warm Regards,

    Full North American Working Group also includes Bill Cavanaugh, Jaime Waters, Tom Landy, and Fr. Tom Lynch

  • 10/21/2022 1:55 PM | Anonymous

    With the support of the John Templeton Foundation, the University of St. Thomas (MN) announces The Psychology and Theology of Faith sub-granting competition, to fund academic cross-training in the psychological sciences for scholars of Christian theology or philosophy of religion with research interests relating to religious belief or religious commitment. Six successful applicants will each receive a $70,000 award providing the opportunity to take courses in and work with mentors from the psychological sciences, in order to apply and leverage insights from the psychological sciences in their work as theologians and philosophers. Applications are due Jan 23, 2023. For more information, see

  • 10/18/2022 8:49 AM | Paul Damian Murray

    The Centre for Catholic Studies (CCS) at Durham University has launched a £400,000 postgraduate scholarship fund in partnership with The Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ) to mark the 200th anniversary of the founding of the FCJ Society. 

    Funded over the next four years, the Sisters want to enhance their apostolic outreach and to support ministries which are aligned with the FCJ charism, ethos and the calls of their 2019 General Chapter.

    The partnership with the CCS continues the Sisters’ dedication to education and chimes with one of the CCS’s stated aims, to form outstanding theologians and scholars of Catholicism who will shape the future from the richness of Catholic tradition in the church, academy, and public life.

    Sr Bríd Liston fcJ, Area Leader, commented: “it is good to be able to support the development of students in the CCS, Durham University, given the commitment of the FCJ Society to education in the North East of England, particularly in Middlesbrough and Hartlepool, for over one hundred and fifty years.”

    Scholarship applications are open to all (subject to usual Durham University eligibility criteria), and encouraged among those hoping to pursue postgraduate research across broad themes aligned to the FCJ Chapter calls: ‘Compassionate Action’, and ‘Care for Our Common Home’.  

    Founded in 2007, the CCS at Durham University represents a creative partnership between academy and church: a centre within the pluralist, public academy for critically constructive Catholic studies of the highest academic standing. The CCS offers a wide-range of scholarships and bursaries funded by a number of partner congregations, organisations and individuals.

    For more information on CCS Scholarships and Bursaries please visit: 

    More information

    For more information, please contact:

    Prof Paul Murray, CCS Director: +44 (0) 7834567792

    Tim Guinan, CCS Development Executive: +44 (0) 7771500808

    Theresa Phillips, CCS Administrator: +44 (0) 7840854865

    Sr Bríd Liston fcJ, Area Leader: +353 (0) 1 492 4093. Office: +353 (0) 1 492 4044

    Related links:

  • 10/14/2022 11:19 AM | Anonymous

    The CTSA prays for member Thomas L. Schubeck, S.J. who died yesterday, October 13, 2022.

    Tom, Professor Emeritus, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, at John Carroll University's  focused his work in the area of social ethics, specializing in the ethics of Latin American Liberation Theology and the relationship of love to justice in social ethics, as well as the theological/psychological dimensions of hope.  He worked and wrote on pastoral work in prison ministry and racial justice (JCU website; see

    May Tom, and the souls of all the faithful departed,
    through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

  • 10/11/2022 3:15 PM | Neomi D. DeAnda

    Chisme Symposium 2022 provides two pre-recorded videos to an ongoing conversation thinking about gossip, what is not talked about, scriptures and scripturalizing and chisme as a theological language del pueblo. These may be some of the spaces and places not attended by the synodal processes. Visit and (directed to same site) for more on this topic.

  • 10/07/2022 12:05 PM | Cecilia Titizano

    Many native and Indigenous communities across what today is known as the Americas share a deep appreciation for their cultures, identities, and Christian faith. Despite the brutality of colonial Christianity, many find strength in Christ and continue to fight for a dignified place in the Catholic Church called to recognize her indigenous roots in this continent. The Virgin of Guadalupe, the Taino Cacique Enriquillo, and the Mohawk Saint Catherine Tekakwitha speak of this historical reality. On October 10, Indigenous Peoples Day, let’s honor the depths of their cosmologies that speak of an interconnected world full of relatives, all God’s children called into ethical relationships.

    Cecilia Titizano, Ph.D.

  • 10/04/2022 12:27 PM | Erin Lothes Biviano

    The Laudato Si' Movement announces the release of the feature documentary The Letter, produced by Oscar-winning Off the Fence Productions in collaboration with Laudato Si’ Movement and the Vatican, released by YouTube Originals. The film brings to life the transformative vision of Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical letter on the environment, to inspire lasting action for our common home. 

    The film premieres at the Vatican in Synod Hall, Tuesday, October 4th, the Feast of St. Francis.

    The film features Pope Francis and diverse stories from India, Senegal, Hawaii, and the Brazilian Amazon. Each of these local leaders represents a voice that is not being heardthe voice of wildlife, the voice of the Indigenous, the voice of the youth, and the voice of the poor. The film follows these people coming together in dialogue with each other and with Pope Francis as they find unity in their distinct worldviews and strength in our common values. 

    The film is downloadable and is an excellent resource for classes, campus ministry, environmental clubs, service organizations, mission groups, and Board of Trustee retreats.

    You can view the trailer here

  • 10/03/2022 7:41 PM | Anonymous

    CTSA members are eligible for a 30% discount on the individual subscription rate for Theological Studies. Through this arrangement, the journal wishes to continue its long standing support for the CTSA, and, as always, it welcomes submissions from the CTSA community. Should CTSA members wish to take advantage of this discount, please contact the North American office in Thousand Oaks, CA at (805) 499-0721, option #1, then option #1 again.

    Christopher Steck, S.J.
    Theological Studies

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