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Remembering Rev. Msgr. Daniel S. Hamilton - Died Feb. 2019

08/26/2019 12:51 PM | Anonymous

In an email today, Rev. Msgr. Daniel S. Hamilton's former secretary emailed the CTSA to let us know that he died in February of 2019. May he rest in peace!  We share this news for your prayers and request you take a moment to reflect and comment on how his life and work influenced you.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him. 
May he rest in peace.

“'It’s our obligation as citizens and certainly as Catholics even more so to contribute to the common good of society,' [Rev. Msgr. Daniel S. Hamilton] said, 'to support those measures, policies and laws which enhance our society, which defend and uphold the dignity of the human person, and to oppose those things which we are convinced are harmful to ourselves and to the future of our society.'

Msgr. Hamilton said he has always encouraged his parishioners and Catholics everywhere to be active in the political process.

'Not simply through Letters to the Editor, but through belonging to organizations, political parties, above all by voting,' he said. 'Not to be a slouch in that regard but to do our best for the common good.'" [Rev. Msgr. Daniel S. Hamilton as reported by Mary Farrow, Catholic News Agency, Mar. 1, 2015,].


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