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Keith J. Egan - d. Jan. 29

01/31/2025 12:02 PM | Anonymous

The CTSA remembers and prays for longstanding member Keith J. Egan  who died yesterday, Wednesday, January 22.

Eternal rest grant unto Keith, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

Keith Egan served as convener of two sessions that are recording in the CTSA Proceedings archives:

Co-Convener Egan, K., & Dreyer, E. , “Seminar on Spirituality”,  CTSA Proceedings 41, (1986).

Convener, Egan, K., “Historical Theology”, CTSA Proceedings 51, (1996).

The Society offers its condolences to the members of the St. Mary's College, University of Notre Dame, community.

Obituary - Kaniewski Funeral Homes, Inc.

Obituary - South Bend Tribune

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