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Subscription and Submission to Critical Theology

01/19/2025 3:37 PM | Anonymous

For over five decades, The Ecumenist, edited by Gregory Baum, published essays and reviews of books engaging societies, cultures, and churches in the North Atlantic hemisphere from an emancipatory perspective rooted in the gospel. In 2018, The Ecumenist revitalized its name to Critical Theology, to more accurately reflect its mission and values, and added two new editors. The journal continues to be published by Novalis and to produce four issues a year, which feature theological reflection with liberative intent and praxis. In 2023 the journal adopted an open-access online format. Subscriptions are now free. The website for the journal, along with back issues of The Ecumenist and Critical Theology, can be found at

If you share this theological orientation or are interested in it, please consider subscribing to Critical Theology or asking the library of your affiliated institution to subscribe. To register for a  subscription, go to

If you are interested in contributing an article or book review to Critical Theology, if you would like a book reviewed therein, or if you require further information, please contact Don Schweitzer at .

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