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Invitation to write a book review for

09/30/2024 10:06 AM | Pierre M. Hegy

Invitation to write a book review for

 You select the book, I mail it to you, you send me the electronic review, and I post it (about 1,500 to 2,000 reviews posted since 2001). Write to   He is the list of books available in October:

JOHN CHRYSOSTOM. Theologian of the Eucharist By Kenneth J. Howell (320 pp – CUA Press) [“This volume explicates John Chrysostom’s Theology of the Eucharist by placing it in relation to many other aspects (of his theology)” p. 24. Numerous quotations followed by commentaries and explanations]

I PETER. Revised edition. Tyndale NT Commentaries. By Wayne A. Grudem (260 pp – IVP Academic) [First published in 1988. A long introduction about date and authorship, followed by a commentary of the various sections]

REDISCOVERING THE WISDOM OF THE CORINTHIANS. Paul, Stoicism, and Spiritual Hierarchy By Timothy Brookins (340 pp – Eerdmans [In 1 Corinthians 1-4 Paul condemns the internal divisions. The “wisdom” of 1 Cor 1-4 refers to the Stoic philosophy that prevailed in Corinth; some members considered themselves as “wiser” philosophically and “superior” intellectually; this led to conflictive divisions. Paul refutes this philosophical interpretation of his teachings]

THE FUTURE OF CATHOLIC BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION. Marie-Joseph Lagrange and Beyond Edited by James Prothro and Isaac Morales (340 pp – Eerdmans) [The need of a balance between a scientific and a spiritual-pastoral interpretation is traced back to the accomplishments of Marie-Joseph Lagrange, the founder of the biblical school of Jerusalem; it is discussed by 15 biblical scholars]

CHRISTIANS AT HOME. John Chrysostom and Domestic Rituals in Fourth-Century Antioch By Blake Leyerle (140 pp – Penn State University Press) [Drawing from Chrysostom’s sermons, the author describes the home devotions of the Antioch Christians.

THE MEANING OF SALVATION. Redemption and Hope for Today. First published in London in 1965 By Michael Green (1930-2019) (240 pp – Eerdmans) [This is a textual and historical analysis of salvation in its many meanings in the history of Israel, the Jews of the first century, and the teachings of John the Baptist, Jesus, the Evangelists, and Paul; in all cases salvation is hope in concrete situations.]   

JESUS AND DIVINE CHRISTOLOGY By Brant Pitre (360 pp – Eerdmans)

[In the tradition of the study of the historical Jesus, Pitre shows that Jesus made claims of divinity for himself]

EUCHARISTIC RESERVATION.  Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass. By Paul Turner (180 pp – Liturgical Press)[Commentary section by section on the new edition of Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass of 2024]

Together with

ONE ORDINARY SUNDAY. A Meditation on the Mystery of the Mass By Paula Huston (250 pp – Liturgical Press) [This book “began as an attempt to explain the mysterious power of the Mass in my own life” (xxiv). Much of it is autobiographical rather than scholarly. I do not know to what extent it is of academic interest] Short reviews will do.

CATHOLIC DOGMATIC THEOLOGY: A SYNTHESIS. Book 3. On the Church and the Sacraments. by Jean-Hervé Nicolas, OP (750 pp – CUA Press) [Translated from German. First published in 1985]

REMARRIAGE IN EARLY CHRISTIANITY By Andrew Das (320 pp – Eerdmans) [Review of the Jewish and Greco-Roman sources and the witness of the early church]

The nineteenth-century Salesian Pentecost (Classics of Western Spirituality) edited by Joseph Boenzi (270 pp – Paulist Press) [The Salesian family, the Sisters and the Daughters of Francis de Sales, the Fransalians]

WHILE I BREATHE, I HOPE. A Mystagogy of Dying by Richard Gaillardetz (200 pp – Liturgical Press)[Diagnosed with terminal cancer, Richard Gaillardetz wrote short reflections as a mystagogy to the approach of death and the mystery of God]

GIFTS FROM FRIENDS WE NEVER WANTED. Biblical Journeys of Grace. By Virginia Herbers (120 pp – Liturgical Press) [The unwelcome friends of failure, disappointment, and worries are sources of grace. This is illustrated by 10 characters of the NT]

Everyday Annunciations. On Learning to Say Yes By Susan Swetnam (120 pp – Liturgical Press)  [Swetnam recounts how she came to accept her husband’s death when contemplating Fra Angelico’s Annunciation. Using numerous stories of disrupted lives, she describes how to say “Yes” through six paintings of the Annunciation.]

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