On May 24-25, 2021, Nazareth College’s Hickey Center for Interfaith Studies and Dialogue, Sacred Texts and Human Contexts Program (Muhammad Shafiq, Director), hosted a conference entitled Mystical Traditions: Approaches to Peaceful Co-Existence. Drs. Diane Oliver and Thomas Donlan Smith co-chaired the event, and the following institutions were amongst those listed as sponsors: the Chair of the Pontifical Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies in Rome (Jason Welle, OFM); the International Institution of Islamic Thought (IIIT); the Department of Religious Studies, Hobart and William Smith College, Geneva, New York; and the Departments of Religious Studies and Spirituality at Nazareth College.
While this conference was originally planned for Rome, Italy, the CoVid epidemic prompted a virtual meeting instead. On March 25 CTSA member Elizabeth Adams-Eilers read a paper entitled “Bonaventure’s Mind’s Road into God and Letter 22 of The Rasā’il of the Ikhwān al Ṣafā’: Tracing Mystical Pathways toward Union with God and Healing the Earth.” The conference schedule is accessed through the following link: https://www2.naz.edu/hickey-center-interfaith-studies-dialogue/programs/academic-conference. Individual sessions, Opening through Session 8, can be viewed on YouTube.