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World Forum on Theology and Liberation 2022

04/21/2022 4:01 PM | Jaisy Joseph
World Forum on Theology and Liberation 2022
Action and promise
Fighting Against Violence, Building Justice and Rethinking the Relationship in the Age of Climate Change

The next Theology and Liberation World Forum will take place from May 1 to 4, within the World Social Forum, then from June 6 to 9. You are cordially invited to participate online. You can find information on the forum and register (for it free of charge) at the following address:

We invite you to join us! From a perspective of justice, eco-justice, peace and liberation, theologians from the Americas, Africa, Europe, and Asia, and participants from the grassroot movements, will meet and exchange, in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. Translation available online for most of activities. Join us and be part of the conversation!

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