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2025 CTSA Convention Exhibitors' Registration

The Society is happy to welcome publishers to exhibit books at the CTSA’s annual convention at the  Marriott Portland Downtown Waterfront Hotel.

 A flat fee of $200 will be charged per table for the table top exhibits purchased.   All table purchases are payable to “The Catholic Theological Society of America.”  Advance payment must accompany your request.  A discount is offered on table top purchases of three or more. To order your table today, complete the "Table Purchase Form" provided as a right-hand navigational link on this page.

  • Requests to exhibit will be arranged through the CTSA office.  We accommodate only 6’ table-top exhibits.  Tables will be assigned in order, as the requests are received; payment must accompany the order.  Please note that no signage may be applied to the walls or on tripods.  Displays are restricted to the table top display.

  • Requests and payment for any electrical or internet connectivity needs should be arranged in advance directly with the hotel; these expenditures are not included in the exhibitor table purchase.   To place an order, contact Josh McHale, Encore, at 503-563-0338.

  • The CTSA and the hotel assume no liability for books and other materials displayed at the exhibits.  

  • The CTSA assumes no responsibility or liability for the publishers’ obligation to obtain a permit to sell or to report sales to government offices for taxation. 

  • The exhibit space is located in a room adjacent to the ballroom and ballroom foyer; exhibitors leave books/materials overnight at their own risk.  
Set-up of exhibition space will be on the morning of Thursday, June 12, 2025 from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.   

Exhibitor Hours

Thursday, June 12    1:00 - 7:00 p.m.  

Friday, June 13          8:30 - 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, June 14     8:30 - 4:00 p.m.

Sunday, June 15        8:30 - 11:00 a.m.

Tear Down

Exhibitor tear down Sunday, June 14, at 11:00 a.m. 

Convention Program Ad Purchases

The CTSA will include ads in the convention program.  Interested publishers may purchase full-page ads.  See the right-hand navigational link on this page for further details.

Room Reservations

Room reservations should be made directly through the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront Hotel via the CTSA reservation portal.  The CTSA's convention room block rate is $179++ per night. 


Boxes must be addressed as follows:               

Portland Marriott Downtown Hotel
Event Manager: Delaney Kenny
Hold for:  Your Representative's Name, Your Publisher Name 
                   Your Representative’s Cell Number
CTSA Annual Convention 12-15 June 2025
1401 SW Naito Parkway
Portland, OR  97201

Box __________ of  ____________

  •  The hotel will accept only pre-paid packages.  
  • Due to limited storage space boxes can be accepted (3) days prior to the event. 

For further information or assistance, please contact me at 440-360-0816 or by e-mail.   I look forward to welcoming you at the convention. 

Mary Jane


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