Catholic Theological
Society of America

Thank you for your support!

The CTSA is grateful to the following donors for their gift to the Society.  Their generosity supports the work of the society, including the encouragement of younger scholars, the funding of special projects, continual improvement in the services to members, and interface with other theological societies.  it is a statement of their commitment to the important of the theological project.

The CTSA is a nonprofit organization as defined by Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.  Gifts made to the CTSA may be tax-deductible.  

Member Donors

2025 Donations

Susan Abraham

Joseph Adhunga

Seth Alexander

C. Colt Anderson

Jennie Block Weiss, O.P.

W. Jerome Bracken, C.P.

Rev. John Burkhard

Peter Fay

Rev. Hugh B. Feiss

Patrick Flanagan, C.M.

Bryan Froehle

Mary E. Frohlich

Joy Galarneau

Sixto J. Garcia

Robert Gascoigne

Michael T. Grey, CSSp

Ruben Habito

Mary Hines

Bradford Hinze & Christine Firer Hinze

D. Thomas Hughson, S.J.

Mary Jo Iozzio

James Keenan, S.J.

Joseph Komonchak

Msgr. Francis Koper

Dermot A. Lane

Donald LaSalle

Martin Mader

George Mazza

Mary McDonough

Jon Nilson

John Odeyemi

Regina Oliver

Bernard P. Prusak

Susan Rakoczy

Ormond Rush

Lisa Sowle Cahill

Cristina Traina

Edward (Ted) Ulrich

Kate Ward

Win Whelan

Institutional Donors

 Donations received in support
of the CTSA's 79th Annual Convention

Herbert & Phyllis Anderson

Anonymous Donor via Fidelity Charitable Giving 

The Callaghan-Pierog Foundation

Rev. Edward Foley, Vice Postulator, OFM CAP
Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order Cause of Fr. Solanus

James L. Fredericks

Gonzaga University

Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University

Youngpa Kwon

Loyola Marymount University

Please consider making a donation today.

Non-member Donations received in support
of the CTSA in 2025

Donate Today

Donations made by check (USD) may be mailed to:

Catholic Theological Society of America

4694 Cemetery Road, Unit 358

Hilliard, OH 43026

To request a donation receipt, please email the CTSA Executive Director.

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Catholic Theological Society of America is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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